In Good We Trash (2022)
Openlab Theatre Garasi Programs
12 February 2022
As concept and director of “In Good We Trash” in the Photography room, Bandung Creative Hub, work in progress presentation of OpenLab Teater Garasi Programs.
It's about interdisciplinary work combining fashion and performing arts."In Good We Trash" is an (ongoing project) performance work that combines the creative process of draping materials, narratives of vulnerability from textile-fashion workers, and fashion shows. This work was initiated after identifying that traces of the upstream-downstream journey of textile production produce residues and human residues.
"In Good We Trash" wants to show the relationship between the role of the textile and fashion industries in creating what is good and good for humans. The same, even more than scraps of patchwork, failed production fabrics, and clothes that are no longer used, fashion-textile workers also face the vulnerabilities of sorting out what 'can be used' and what 'must be thrown away'.m
"In Good We Trash" is one of the works that grows and is presented in the Teater Garasi/ Garasi Performance Institute.
Concept/Director: Widi Asari
Dramaturg: Ugoran Prasad
Facilitator: Arsita Iswardhani
Performers/models: Aan Aminah, Meti Hermayanti, Diandra Aprilia, Clara Gerda.
Narrator: Siska Ari Nugraha
Text curator/co-director: John Herianto
Videographer: Daffa Fatur MF
Lighting: Acun